NEISMA is a professional service organization, organized to provide the ice skating industry with education and training. Since 1972 NEISMA has disseminated technical information and conducted seminars on rink equipment, energy, air quality, marketing, skating programs, maintenance and safety. NEISMA provides the professional rink manager with the technical information needed to operate a safe, efficient and profitable facility.
Since 1972 NEISMA has disseminated technical information and conducted seminars on rink equipment, energy, air quality, marketing, skating programs, maintenance and safety. NEISMA provides the professional rink manager with the technical information needed to operate a safe, efficient and profitable facility.
The NEISMA office is located with the current President. All NEISMA business is conducted through this office. The NEISMA Board of Directors consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary/Clerk, and several “At Large” Directors who meet several times per year. All NEISMA positions are voluntary.
NEISMA conducts at least two general meetings per year. The fall meeting is usually conducted over 1 or 2 days. The location of the fall meeting moves throughout the NEISMA area. Our large Spring Conference & Trade Show is usually held in the Boston area over 2 days. Special meetings are called as needed. NEISMA meetings consist of educational seminars, guest speakers, and social functions that serve as occasions to network with other rink administrators and vendors.
NEISMA publishes 4 newsletters per year. The “Rink Rat” is usually mailed in September, December, February and June of each year. It is through the Rink Rat that NEISMA provides the membership with new information, updates on ongoing issues, and otherwise allows members to network information pertinent to our industry.
Since 1972 NEISMA has disseminated technical information and conducted seminars on rink equipment, energy, air quality, marketing, skating programs, maintenance and safety. NEISMA provides the professional rink manager with the technical information needed to operate a safe, efficient and profitable facility.
Annual dues are set by the Board of Directors. A NEISMA Membership is for September 1st to August 31st yearly. In August of each year, a Membership renewal registration is mailed out for the next up coming membership year. The current dues are $175 for rink members and $200 for vendor members.